Recap: Chief Development and Communications Officer Annamaria Lalevee discussed upcoming events for The Arc of Warren County on the air with RNJ Morning Program Host Bert Baron, including:
- The Arc of Warren County Golf Classic on September 16, 2024 at Hawk Pointe Golf Club
- A New Beginning: The Opening of The Hive by The Arc of Warren County on Thursday September 26 at 4:30pm-6:00pm
- “70 Years of Excellence” The Arc of Warren County 70th Anniversary Gala on Thursday November 21, 2024 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm
00:00:00 Bert Baron
Annamaria Lalevee is with me, live in the RNJ main studio. It’s not very summer like out there this morning, right? Where did it go? Where have you seen my summer? Look at you. With no, no jacket or anything. Look at you. Wow.
00:00:05 Annamaria Lalevee
No, it’s freezing. I know, I know. I should have wore a sweater. No jacket. I know it’s chilly. It’s really chilly.
00:00:15 Bert Baron
I admire that. No coat on a on a brisk morning. Yeah, like me. Where you don’t want to see so.
00:00:17 Annamaria Lalevee
Oh, I don’t know what I was thinking.
00:00:22 Bert Baron
You’re like me. Alright, alright. Shame on you for not wearing a jacket. Here we go. The kind of example. Are you setting after all? Well, welcome back. Good to see you. Should I say Aloha again? We had a chance to spend some time at a end of summer Hawaiian theme party right up the hill here at Paragon Village. We had some fun on Friday night at that. It’s great to see you there at that. So we had a nice meal and we said goodbye to summer.
00:00:46 Bert Baron
And now we’re getting ready for all the great upcoming fall events. And we do have three that we want to cover today with you and the arc of Warren County, kind of the three G’s like we had done last month. So why don’t we start with what’s, what’s first do you want?
00:00:58 Annamaria Lalevee
Our Golf Classic is in less than two weeks. Yeah. So it’s at Hawk Point Golf Club, which is an amazing.
00:01:04 Bert Baron
Let’s do that first, then, OK?
00:01:09 Annamaria Lalevee
It’s really gained in popularity over the last couple of years.
00:01:15 Bert Baron
Another G You said gained. That’s 4G’s now. Yeah, great. They’re 5, right? Right. I could go all day.
00:01:17 Annamaria Lalevee
It’s games, right?
00:01:22 Annamaria Lalevee
[The Golf Outing is] on September 16th. It’s actually exactly in two weeks. No 13 days. Right. I keep thinking it’s Monday with the holiday.
00:01:25 Bert Baron
Yep, Yep. I understand. And by the way, Monday is the best golf day. Ask anybody that plays in golf outings, like for charities. Set it on Monday because everybody feels like they extended their weekend. So great move to have it on the 16th.
00:01:39 Annamaria Lalevee
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. We’re gonna have great food, great golf. Great company. And you’re supporting a wonderful cause. Please, if you know anyone, we can take more golfers up to at this point we really kind of have to close down sponsorships in the next couple of days. But I would if I could, would love to thank some of our sponsors from bronze and above.
00:02:00 Bert Baron
Oh please. I want everybody thanked because this is your last time before. However, you have whatever you have you can thank.
00:02:07 Annamaria Lalevee
We do have enough.
00:02:09 Annamaria Lalevee
Oh, oh, oh, no. I don’t know. OK, OK, OK. I don’t want to leave anybody out, so.
00:02:19 Annamaria Lalevee
Our platinum sponsor is KPM logistics. We have gold, Newbaker Funeral Home, Nisivoccia Accounting Firm is a gold sponsor. Otterstedt Insurance Agency is a Silver Sponsor. WRNJ Radio is a silver.
00:02:39 Annamaria Lalevee
George Salamy, who’s one of our board members, is a silver; Gallagher’s Plumbing is a silver sponsorship. Jeff Hill Carpentry is a silver sponsorship. Edward Jones, Robyn Jensen and Aaron Madonna is a bronze sponsor, and then we have a lot of Tee Sign sponsors and BBQ sponsors and companies that have donated to the raffle gifts. So we want to thank everybody for all of those opportunities.
00:03:12 Bert Baron
Everybody that makes this the success that it is. Annamaria thanks you. I thank you. So this this is going to be really great. So even if someone is an individual golfer, they could sign up and you’ll you’ll put them in a group and Everybody will have fun. Good.
00:03:24 Annamaria Lalevee
Yeah, please do. I mean, we do we you know, throughout the years we’ve had several people that they just come themselves and we we put them in a foursome every single year. So I never feel like, you know, sometimes people say to me, ohh, I’m trying to get a group together.
00:03:32 Bert Baron
00:03:40 Annamaria Lalevee
Try if you can. That’s great. If you can’t, we’ll group you. So don’t. Don’t let that deter you from from attending and having good time and you get to meet a lot of wonderful people so.
00:03:51 Bert Baron
Yeah, you get placed with other people. You show off your golf prowess, you exchange business cards. Sometimes you help each other out business wise and things. So just, just play and have fun and meet some new people?
00:04:00 Annamaria Lalevee
Yeah, and oh, talking about sponsorships, I would be remiss if I didn’t think Rossi Auto Group for they’re are whole in one sponsor they’ve they’ve consistently been our hole in one sponsor and we want to thank them for that.
00:04:08 Bert Baron
Oh, sure.
00:04:13 Bert Baron
Great partners, great people, too. Excellent. Alright, our next G that will move on. Ohh yes, I’ll go short ahead
00:04:18 Annamaria Lalevee
Yes. Oh, so if you want to register, can I tell? OK, so yeah, you can do everything on our website at and it’ll take you to the registration page or you can call me 908-223-0884. You can either submit, you know, through the mail or online is quicker.
00:04:38 Annamaria Lalevee
OK, so you want to go out.
00:04:38 Bert Baron
But perfect. Yeah, we have less than two weeks that that’s the the urgency there from from Annamaria. So do that. The next thing is a special grand opening that’s planned for later this month.
00:04:42 Annamaria Lalevee
Less than two weeks, right, right, right.
00:04:46 Annamaria Lalevee
Right. So yes, so we have The Hive by The Arc of Warren County, that’s our new day program. We’re really excited. It’s on Route 31 in Washington Township. I hope you can come it’s it’s September 26th, which is a Thursday and Senator Steinhardt’s going to be speaking which is really wonderful.
00:04:56 Bert Baron
Yeah, yeah, I love grand openings, of course.
00:05:05 Bert Baron
Oh great.
00:05:06 Annamaria Lalevee
It’s at 4:30. We’re going to have late refreshments and tours of the facility, and you can you can also register for that online so we’re really excited about that. That’s been a long time in the making and really get, you know, really gives us an opportunity to expand our day program, which is very exciting so.
00:05:25 Bert Baron
Yeah, that’s good. Yeah, good stuff, Annamaria Lalevee is here from The Arc of Warren County. Our monthly segment. We up get you up to date on events and and things that are happening. So get signed up for the golf if you haven’t done so, plan on joining them for the grand opening, which is also happening and the other G will cover is. That’s going to be happening in November, the last one, OK.
00:05:50 Annamaria Lalevee
Great. I know before you know it November 21st. So and this is at Panther Valley Golf Club, it’s our 70th anniversary. So we haven’t had a gala and at least 10 years we do our yeah, we do our Community Excellence Awards the last couple of years. So this is taking that place next year we’ll do like a smaller.
00:06:02 Bert Baron
00:06:10 Annamaria Lalevee
That, but this is on a larger scale.
00:06:15 Annamaria Lalevee
We’re going to have great entertainment. The food is going to be amazing and it’s a fundraiser to to support the arco Warren County and celebrate our anniversary. Our theme is 70 Years of Excellence and we are going to be honoring Merrill Creek conservation and Sportsman’s Association, Coach Jim Dailey of Lafayette College, Kelly Milazzo of Greenwich Autism Alliance Foundation and Thomas Seiple posthumously say that yeah, so look, we’re we’re finishing up our invitations. They should be going out in the mail. If you’re not on our mailing list and would like an invitation.
00:06:40 Bert Baron
00:06:47 Bert Baron
Very good. OK, all right.
00:07:00 Annamaria Lalevee
Please let me know.
00:07:00 Bert Baron
Yeah. Get on there. What’s wrong with you? Get on the mailing list, right. Right.
00:07:02 Annamaria Lalevee
Get on the mailing list. Good impressions. Design them and they are so beautiful.
00:07:07 Annamaria Lalevee
Such pretty invitations.
00:07:08 Bert Baron
All right, great. So a lot of things are upcoming with the arc. Couple of things this month and when you’re in, when you get into the Burr months, Anna, Maria like September, October, they all just kind of blend together. So November will be here before we know it too. So website for more info on all this we talked about at for the gala.
00:07:29 Bert Baron
Wonderful 10 years in the making, too. Looking forward to that. Excellent. Thank you for being here today. And we’ll do this again in October. How does that sound?
00:07:34 Annamaria Lalevee
Thank you for having me. Yes, maybe it’ll be warmer. That day, you never know.
00:07:38 Bert Baron
You never know anything to be warmer than today. Thank thanks for being here.

Annamaria Lalevee
Chief Development and Communications Officer
For more information about upcoming events and sponsorship opportunities, please contact me at:
Phone: 908-223-0884