Community-Based Supports

Community-Based Supports is designed to strengthen and promote families who provide care within the family home for a family member with intellectual/developmental disabilities.


Adult Services

In-Home Respite – This program enables families to take a break from the overwhelming responsibilities of caring for an adult who has intellectual/developmental disabilities. This short-term care is provided in the family home up to 20 hours per month.

Community Based Supports – This program provides direct support and assistance in or out of the individual’s residence, to promote inclusion in the community and to foster greater independence. Such skills could include self-care, social skills and instruction in daily living skills. The services provided would be outlined in the participant’s Service Plan.

All referrals for Adult Services come through The Division of Developmental Disabilities at 973.927.2600.


Children’s Services

Agency Hired Respite – This program enables families to take a break from the overwhelming responsibilities of caring for a child who has intellectual/developmental disabilities. This short-term care is provided in the family home up to 60 hours per 90 days.

Self-Hired Respite – This service is provided for families who want to recruit and hire their respite worker of choice. The family pays the worker directly and is then reimbursed by the agency. Self-Hired respite is limited to 60 hours per 90 days.

Intensive In-Home Habilitative Program – This service is an individualized behavioral intervention program which provides supports for eligible children, youth, adolescents or young adults under the age of 21 who have intellectual/developmental disabilities.

Individual Support Services – This program is a step down from the IIH program. This program works with youth by providing instruction in daily living skills.

All referrals for Children’s Services come through Performcare at 877.652.7624.

For more information contact Kelly Moyer at 908.689.7525 ext. 211 or email